The Subvocal Zoo: William H. Matchett
Poetry Northwest‘s podcast series, The Subvocal Zoo, features editors and friends of the magazine interviewing poets and reading poems. Each episode features a reading or a lively conversation between writers in a different location.
In this episode, William H. Matchett reads at the Jack Straw Cultural Center in Seattle, followed by a short conversation with Publisher Kevin Craft.

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William H. Matchett taught English at the University of Washington from 1954 until he retired in 1982. He was an important associate of Carolyn Kizer during her first years as editor of Poetry Northwest at the University. His latest book, Airplants: Selected Poems, was published in 2013 and joins his two previous books of poetry, The Water Ouzel and Fireweed. He is also the author of Shakespeare and Forgiveness and co-authored, with his colleague Jerome Beaty, Poetry: from Statement to Meaning. He also has written stories, articles and other criticism, and his work has appeared in dozens of magazines, including The New Yorker, Saturday Review of Literature, Harper’s and The New Republic.
Thanks to the Levi Fuller and the Jack Straw Cultural Center for the use of their studio space for recording.
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