An Altar
to keep you afloat
to keep you afloat
Featuring winners & finalists of the James Welch Prize; poems by Marilyn Hacker, Antonio López & Phillip B. Williams; essays by Lois Welch & Cedar Sigo & much more
“Barot widens the circumference of lived experience in all its bittersweet rings.” —an essay by Jane Wong on the poems of Rick Barot
Jane Wong on Nicholas Gulig’s Orient
by Jacob Uitti | Contributing Writer
by Dandi Meng | Contributing Writer
Out of sight, out of sigh: an open / window.
I have forgotten where I placed my glasses. / I remember watching a boy roast and eat crickets.
By Jack Chelgren | Associate Editor
On September 13th, the APRIL book club gathered at Little Oddfellows in the Elliott Bay Book Company to discuss The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa.