Poet Wrestling with the Inaccessible Island Rail
No one would call your island of sheer sea cliffs
a haven, you of no known
relation. Rare yet
with a sandpiper. You’d go missing
in a wildlife lineup, sole
species of your genus.
for the whole
of tistan da cunha,
save the queen & faith
nearby they’ve taken
as british outpost
overseas, outnumbered
you, these seventy
who grow
along english country
transport for they
on inaccessible island & god
when the nearest neighbor
occupied island
is nearly two-thousand
miles away. In the middle
of nowhere, it’s just how much
they speak
your name
falling on your natural
inability to take wing.
a little cold
to the tongue
of how you landed
on the most remote & extinct
long after other flightless
Born to a Mexican mother and Jewish father, Rosebud Ben-Oni is a recipient of the 2014 NYFA Fellowship in Poetry and a 2013 CantoMundo Fellow; her most recent collection of poems, turn around, BRXGHT XYXS, was selected as Agape Editions’ EDITORS’ CHOICE, and will be published in 2019. Her work appears or is forthcoming in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, Tin House, Black Warrior Review, TriQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, Poetry Northwest, Arts & Letters, among others; recently, her poem “Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark” was commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York City, and published by The Kenyon Review Online. She writes weekly for The Kenyon Review blog, and teaches creative writing at UCLA Extension’s Writers’ Program. Find her at 7TrainLove.org.