from Banana [ ]
I’m going to tell you about some of my experiences working in the banana sector261
200 of us crammed into shacks eating boiled bananas
out of empty kerosene cans262
the most gorgeous of all food-giving plants
the banana, is everywhere263
country near the coast
within the tropics where the wild banana
they threw in tear gas
they insulted us and they harassed us
later they put us in a banana container
if they shut you in a container like that then after 10 minutes
the air runs out,266 banana
plantations were gone, there appeared a child
naked, walking slowly267
banana and indigo fields were set ablaze268
the bunches of bananas
were so large
that sometimes it was really difficult for me
to remove the banana flowers
from the bananas at the top of the bunch
I had to stand on tiptoes107
we are not asking
for people to stop
buying pineapples or bananas
but that they demand
respect for labor rights259
to enjoy a banana
you need only274 the banana’s name
it is275 Banana Farmers who276 Nurture and Grow Banana277 Revolution
Banana Worker278 who Cultivates Bananas and is their Light and Glory269
the banana’s name, it is283
Radical Meristems in Banana284 Weapons
The Banana Collectives285 of Banana Regeneration286
O Wild Banana,280 Parakeet Flower
Macaw Flower, Crane Flower
Banana281 of the Right Hand
Amid Thornless Lote Trees and Banana Trees282
the banana’s name, it is275
Banana278 Leaves Around the Bud Unfold
and Banana Blossoms are Revealed279
Oval Shaped, Dark Purple
Bud, Banana Blossom or
Banana Heart289Dug in the Rich Earth
a Banana Head Dropped in the Earth290
in Hopes That Banana Breeders
Will287 Live
For Ever and Ever
the Banana288
Author’s note: References for the footnotes can be found with the chapbook Banana [ ] / we pilot the blood (3rd Thing Press, 2021).
Paul Hlava Ceballos is the recipient of fellowships from CantoMundo, Artist Trust, and the Poets House. His work has been published in the Best New Poets Anthology and translated into the Ukrainian. It can be found in Narrative Magazine, BOMB, the PEN Poetry Series, Acentos Review, The LA Times, among other journals and newspapers, and has been nominated for the Pushcart. Born and raised in Southern California, he has an MFA from NYU, and currently lives in Seattle, where he practices echocardiography.