there was rice
in the saltshakers
I married
the ketchups
rubbed spots
off silver wear
mostly wore
my hair down
back then
or didn’t but
remember it down
kept my money
in a sock
only had a fan
still prayed
mostly I saw
windows flying by
a little snow
if you dropped
pennies in me
you’d hear them
hit the bottom
Nicole Callihan’s most recent book is This Strange Garment, published by Terrapin Books in March 2023. Her other books include SuperLoop and the poetry chapbooks: The Deeply Flawed Human, Downtown, and ELSEWHERE (with Zoë Ryder White), as well as a novella, The Couples. Her work has appeared in Kenyon Review, Colorado Review, Conduit, The American Poetry Review, and as a Poem-a-Day selection from the Academy of American Poets. Find out more at