Honor Roll
Poetry Northwest is grateful for support received from the National Endowment of the Arts. To find out more about how NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov
We are grateful for the support of The Kinsman Foundation. Kinsman Foundation grants have supported publication of Poetry Northwest since 2007.
Major support also provided by the Community Foundation of Snohomish County’s Robyn Johnson Poetry Fund.

Poetry NW Honor Roll 2010 – 2016
Here’s a list of all the people who contributed some form of time, energy, money, or expertise to help keep Poetry Northwest going in the early part of this new century. We are deeply grateful for all your love and support.
Editorial / Production / Web:
Annie Ashley, Aaron Barrell, Jennifer Beebe, William Bernhardt, Cherisa Bertain, Zach Bivins, Justin Boening, Jay Bryant, Bill Carty, Jack Chelgren, Elizabeth Cooperman, Sarah Erikson, Steve Fouts, Kelley Frodel, Willie James, Connie Jensen, Matthew Kelsey, Kimberly Kent, Brandon Krieg, Chris Larson, Erin Malone, Per Nilsson, Katharine Ogle, Carol Peters, Emily Pittinos, Montreux Rotholtz, Lissa Sjogren, Kendra Sowers, Lucas Stanford, Ian Stevens, Tamara Smith, Anastasia Swanlund, Alexis Vergalla, Devon Walker-Figueroa, Rachel Welty
Business / Development / Marketing / Events:
Alison Abraham, Amanda Baker-Patterson, Rebecca Brinbury, Letitia Cain, Joanne Conger, Jennifer Crowder, Josh Fomon, Ian Gazarek, Sarah Greenleaf, Jessica Henry, Carrie Kahler (née Purcell), Hollie Mattie, Margaret McLeod, Allison Mitton, Teresa Myer, Eric Nusbaum, Jill Oberg, Sarah Ohlin, Scott Phillips, Zach Raasch, Kelsey Roberts (née Marcum), Carla Shafer, Michael Shilling, Ghida Sinno, Ian Stevens, Justin Thompson, Julie Zehnder
Contributing Artists:
Gala Bent, Anne Bryant, Jay Bryant, Leslie Cox, Dennis Drenner, Claire Cowie, Maija Fiebig, Kelly Froh, Nick Gentry, Emily Gherard, Robert Hardgrave, Bootsy Holler, David Hytone, Clare Johnson, Doug Keyes, Dianna Kornberg, Amanda Knowles, Counsel Langley, Rich Lehl, Hollie Mattie, Kristine Morfogen, Susan Newbold, Stephanie Pierce, Mary Randlett, Victoria Selwyn, Cheryl Sorg, Adam Summers, Nance Van Winckel, Lloyd Weller, Kumi Yamashita
Contributing Writers & Editors:
Linda Andrews, Quenton Baker, Sandra Beasley, Jen Benka, Joelle Biele, Amy Glynn, Jeff Hardin, Rebecca Hoogs, Troy Jollimore, Nari Kirk, Dan Lamberton, Julie Larios, Paul Lindholdt, Tod Marshall, Claudia Castro Luna, Diana Khoi Nguyen, Stanley Plumly, Adrienne Raphel, Paisley Rekdal, David Rigsbee, Katrina Roberts, Zach Savich, Megan Snyder-Camp, Ed Skoog, Rich Smith, Rose Solari, Jay Thompson, Cody Walker, Emily Warn, Susan Wheeler, Wendy Willis, Andrew Zawacki
EvCC Student Interns:
Annie Ashley, Cherisa Bertain, Megan Brewer, Megan Brown , Hilary Bowen, Katie Burr, Ilona Castro, Thomas Coleman, Sarah Creech, Kara De Folo, Heather Mariah Dixon, Cindy Dreyer, John Eldridge, Jessica Glenn , Taylor Hart, Jenn Hoffman, Chris Larson, Ce’cile Lapinid, Charles Lingerfelt, Teresa Myer, Monica Nguon, Shanna Prather, Josh Reber, Brandon Robertson, Christina Schultz, Aubrie Sedlak, Lissa Sjogren, Tamara Smith, Connie Sowell, Wade Spane, Katy Suarez, Anastasia Swanlund, Jennifer Travis, Courtney Vandyke, Kaleb Weber
Board of Directors & Advisors:
Heather Bennett, Jackson Bennett, Linda Bierds, David Biespiel, Michael Collier, Leslie Cox, Lou Oma Durand, Susie Frazier, Clelia Gore, Tim Greenzwieg, Daniel Lamberton, Craig Lewis, Eugene McAvoy, Robert Pinsky, Bethany Reid, Victoria Selwyn, Andrew Zawacki
Major Donors:
The National Endowment for the Arts
The Kinsman Foundation
The Community Foundation of Snohomish County / Robyn Johnson Poetry Fund
Everett Community College
The Everett Community College Foundation
Everett Cultural Arts Commission
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Parducci Wines
Piraeus Data, Inc.
Pinnacle Gardens Foundation
Ruth & Ed Aspell
Jackson & Katie Bennett
Leslie & Janet Cox
Michael Doyle
Arielle Devine & Michael Leif
Lou Oma Durand
Susie Frazier & Matt Fingerhut
Robyn Johnson
Victoria Selwyn
As for the Poets, you’ll have to leaf through the table of contents, volumes V – X. But don’t stop there. We built each issue to last.