
The latest features, essays, interviews from our contributing writers and editors.


A Late Winter Reading List: Poet Diana Khoi Nguyen Curls Up with Prose

Afterwords, Commentary

Afterwords // Pay Attention: Bob Hicok These Days

Book Reviews, Commentary

Notable Books (NW) – Reviews of Mary Szybist, Robert Wrigley, Nance Van Winckel, and more


Modernity Explains Unfortunate Events // Heather Altfeld


December Instagram Challenge: #2013poem


The Poetics of Taxidermy, Part I // Heather Altfeld

Commentary, Gallery

The Fridges of Famous Poets

Afterwords, Commentary

Afterwords // Naming the Animals: Stephen Burt on The Nearly-Baroque in Contemporary Poetry

Commentary, Interviews

Interview // Rich Smith vs. Lisa Ciccarello, Matthew Dickman, Amber Nelson, Danniel Schoonebeek

Afterwords, Commentary

Afterwords // Poetry Press Week

Commentary, Gallery

November Instagram Challenge: #ToAutumn

Afterwords, Commentary

Afterwords // The Present Tense: Joshua Beckman, Matthew Dickman, and Dorothea Lasky Read at the Henry