Prose that encourages us to engage with books of poetry, individual poets, and issues of craft or poetics.
Emily Bedard: “Reading Lucie Brock-Broido in Mexico”

AWP Minneapolis 2015: Photo Essay

“Dismal Situations”: Loneliness, Racism, and Knowing the Present Through Verse
Zach Savich: “Easy, Durable Dreams: Notes on Poetry and Social Media”

Wendy Willis: “A Million People On One String – Notes on Poetry and Social Media”

Four Appreciations of Carolyn Kizer and Her Work
Scott Condon: Notes on Rae Armantrout’s Poem “Thrown”

“Fishing for Icarus”

Andrew Zornoza: “Mirrors in the City of the Dead”
Allen Frost: “Robert Huff in Bellingham”

Wendy Willis: “Blessed are We Poor”