Modernity Explains Unfortunate Events // Heather Altfeld
Modernity Explains Unfortunate Events:  The Poetics of a Would-be Anthropologist It’s hard to figure out the exact moment when I decided not to be an anthropologist. This was the distinct career direction I had finally chosen by the time I actually made it to Columbia University as an undergraduate eight years after my departure from high school. It might have been the precision necessary to measure brain cases, one by one, for a required course in physical anthropology, or the arduous memorization of lemur species and their diets, a task I insisted on documenting with the creation of the Lemur Culinary Gazette, a project my professor did not have the patience or vision to appreciate. While neither of these endeavors in the field were particularly suited to my temperament, I believe that the most likely moment of my breakup from Anthropology occurred during a senior ethnography course, where we read an ethnography primarily focused on the study of pee.Â