Anti-Racism Report

You’ve found the home of our Anti-Racism Report, where you will be able to find information on what Poetry Northwest has been doing to support Black writers, Indigenous writers, and writers of color within our pages and within our greater literary community, as well as our plans for continued work to reject and dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy within our magazine. While we will continue to labor to support all of the various intersecting marginalized people within our literary community, we wish for this page to serve as a place for us to be publicly accountable for our goals as an anti-racist organization seeking to deconstruct its own institutionalized racism. We began producing this report in 2020 with the intention of providing it publicly on an annual basis. Over time, we have found that internal accountability must take place in our work every day, but that sharing the fruits and challenges of that labor publicly on a biannual basis provides readers with a greater understanding of the scope of our work. We will be sharing our 2023/2024 report here soon