The Subvocal Zoo: Cody Walker – The Plenitude of the Moment
Poetry Northwest‘s podcast series, The Subvocal Zoo, features editors and friends of the magazine interviewing poets. Each episode features lively conversation between writers in a different location.
Episode 13 finds Cody Walker and Executive Editor Kevin Craft in conversation–a missive from a more innocent time–recorded in Los Angeles during the 2016 AWP Conference. Topics of discussion include humor, politics (like I said: a more innocent time…), fatherhood and teaching.
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Cody Walker is the author of The Self-Styled No-Child and Shuffle and Breakdown (both published by Waywiser) and the coeditor of Alive at the Center: Contemporary Poems from the Pacific Northwest (Ooligan, 2013). His poems have appeared in The Yale Review, Parnassus, Slate, and Salon; his essays have appeared online in The New Yorker and The Kenyon Review. He lives with his family in Ann Arbor and teaches at the University of Michigan.
Read Cody Walker’s “A Mad Gardener’s Half Dozen” and “Trades I Would Make” at Poetry Northwest, and follow him on politics, poetry, (et cetera!) at Kenyon Review Online.
Upcoming episodes of The Subvocal Zoo will feature Danny Khalastchi in conversation with Justin Boening and J.W. Marshall in conversation with Alan Lau.
This podcast is made possible in part by listener support. If you enjoy what we’re doing here, we hope you’ll become a supporting listener by donating to our Patreon page!
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