Memory of a larger mind
Sitting with a glacier
in the far north
of North America
in 2023
I have a memory
of being
on my grandmother’s balcony
in Cluj, Romania
in 1936 when she was twenty-three
Yet I wasn’t there
Sitting with a glacier
in the far north
of North America
in 2023
I have no memory
of being
with this glacier
when I was twenty-three
Yet I was here
in Cluj, Romania, in 2023
staring at my grandmother’s apartment
where she had lived when she was twenty-three before being
rammed into Auschwitz.
I remember resting
her/my hand
on the curve
of the black iron balcony
a cup of gold tea
soft chamomile steam
bustling square below
Now I stand by the glacial river
its swift magnificence
its insouciant menace
inside of which I sat
rammed into this barricade
above this glacial river
backed up then
rammed into this barricade
again twice thrice
rammed into this barricade
and my head
I am told
hit the windshield glass
above this glacial river
the glass
I lost
the means
to make a memory
Why did I survive
Why did she survive
Why did she survive
from her iron-rimmed balcony
to a steel-barbed field of barracks
concrete slots terrible holes
a drowning air they shared
Why does she survive
in this body, mine
This body in time
is a rumor
of an echo
of a shadow
of a fog
Upriver the glacier
drops orange and green
rocks from far and long ago
along its melting edge
it gives a memory
of aerial crags
and thin bright wind
to the valley
who didn’t live it
Daniela Naomi Molnar is a poet, artist and writer who creates with color, water, language, and place. Her debut book CHORUS won the 2024 Stafford/Hall Oregon Book Award for Poetry and was selected by Kazim Ali as the winner of Omnidawn Press’ 1st/2nd Book Award. Forthcoming books include: PROTOCOLS (Ayin, 2025), Memory of a Larger Mind (Omnidawn, 2028), and Light / Remains (Bored Wolves, 2026). Her book-length poem “Memory of a Larger Mind” accompanies photographs by Julian Stettler in The Glacier is a Being (Sturm & Drang, 2023), and her work is anthologized in the forthcoming second volume of The Ecopoetry Anthology and in Breaking the Glass: A Contemporary Jewish Poetry Anthology by The Laurel Review. She founded the Art + Ecology program at the Pacific Northwest College of Art and helped start and run the backcountry artist residency Signal Fire. / Instagram: @daniela_naomi_molnar