
Two Poems
(translation by Bradley Harmon)

Say More

Multiplicity – faults in line
a word’s inherent
death by repetition
see a fault where it lies

the rainbow hasn’t spoken to you for awhile
the colors in the reproduction make you sick

but the children at the rainbow’s root
did you see
when the words came back

everything must be called something and
everything dies of repetition

turn yourself inside out
or disappear

and say again and again
that everything beneath the firmament exists in synchronicity

SĂ€g mer

MĂ„ngfald – fĂ„lar i rader
ett ords inneboende
död av upprepning
ser en fÄlla dÀr det stÄr

regnbÄgen sÀger dig inget pÄ lÀnge
fÀrgerna i Ätergivningen gör en sjuk

men barnen i regnbÄgsstammen
sÄg du
nÀr orden kom Äter

nÄgonting mÄste allt heta och
allting dör av att upprepas

vÀnd dig ut och in
eller försvinn

och sÀg igen och igen
att allt under himlens fÀste finns i samtidighet

A Form

I enter into a form, one inflated
like a cloud, itself a kind of being

the curious word atmosphere
a form of invisibility
long like love

the vessels of high voices dispersed
the voiceflow of the dearly departed forms
a bowl from below


fills the form tightened by the hands
that formed my body
by washing and caring, with the pitch
that pushed into motion the wave of being
a person within

En Form

Jag gÄr i en form, en bolmande
liksom ett moln, som Àr ett varande

det underliga ordet luftlagren
en form i osynligheten
lÄng kÀrlek lik

kÀrlen av de höga rösterna som skingrats
de Àlskade försvunnas stÀmlinje formar
en skÄl underifrÄn


gÄr i formen som skruvats av hÀnderna
som formade min kropp
med tagningen och omsorgen, med tonlÀget
som gjorde vÄgen av rörelsen att vara
nÄgon inombords

Katarina Frostenson (b. 1953) is one of the most notable living Nordic poets. The author and translator of over thirty volumes, her work has had a major influence on contemporary Swedish poetry. She has in addition written dramas, prose, and an opera libretto, and translated works by Duras, Bataille, Bove, and Michaux. Frostenson has received nearly every literary prize in Sweden and many across Europe. She was awarded the 2016 Nordic Council Literature Prize for the 2015 collection SĂ„nger och formler, forthcoming in autumn 2024 in English as The Space of Time. In 2019-2021, she released the autofictional trilogy K, F, and A, the first of which premiered as a stage play in October 2022 at the Folkteatern in Gothenburg. Her latest book, Alma, appeared in November 2023. 

Bradley Harmon (b. 1994) is a writer, translator, and scholar of Nordic and German literature, film, and philosophy. Currently a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins University, he has been an American Scandinavian Foundation fellow at Södertörn University and an Emerging Translator mentee with the American Literary Translator’s Association. His forthcoming translations include Katarina Frostenson’s The Space of Time (Threadsuns Press, October 2024) and Birgitta Trotzig’s A Landscape (Sublunary Editions, November 2024). He is also co-editor of the volume Rilke’s Poetry and the Horizons of Phenomenology (De Gruyter, 2025) and of a special dossier on translation and literary citizenship in the American academy (MLN 138.5, 2023).